Wheatgrass for Pets

Wheatgrass for Pets


Introducing our product especially for pet owners.

We offer two types of variation;

  1. Wheatgrass in plastic container only (RM15)
  2. Wheatgrass in plastic container, organic soil & seed for the next batch of planting (RM25)

Kindly allow at least 3-5 working days for your seeds to grow. You will receive your wheatgrass half way of its growth. It will last between 1-2 weeks

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Benefits of wheatgrass for pets include the following:

Digestive Health

The fiber in wheatgrass can help stimulate your kitty’s digestion. As a natural laxative, wheatgrass helps break down a number of constipation culprits, which commonly include any fur your kitty hasn’t already expelled in the form of a hairball. It’s also a known detoxifier. When eaten and digested, this detoxifier helps to flush toxins, an important step in maintaining your cat’s digestive health.


Kitties seem to love vomiting; they do it so often and at will. While it’s not so much the sensation they love, cats know regurgitation will rid their stomachs of inedible matter and make them feel much better. Cats lack the enzymes needed to break down vegetable matter such as wheatgrass. Your cat may seek out wheatgrass or other grasses when she needs help regurgitating a hairball or has eaten something indigestible. Wheatgrass can help rid her body of potentially poisonous or inedible matter.

Stimulate Blood Flow

Wheatgrass contains chlorophyll and folic acid, which assist in the production of hemoglobin, the protein that moves oxygen through her blood. This should give her more energy to chase birds and bat around her new catnip toy.


Wheatgrass contains a wealth of vitamins and minerals from vitamin A through calcium. Perhaps the most important vitamins for your kitty are vitamins E and B. Vitamin E contains antioxidants that may prevent heart disease and cancer and increase her immune system. B vitamins, notably B3 and B12, can speed up her metabolism, maintain a healthy skin and coat, strengthen her immune system, prevent anemia, reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer and stimulate her nervous system.

Chemical Free, Please

The chemicals, pesticides and herbicides found on many outdoor grasses can be toxic to your cat. One of the safest ways to offer her organic wheatgrass which is what we offer here on daun.com.my


Additional information


Without soil & seeds, With soil & seeds


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